Minnesota Paint Booth Cleaning

North Willow Contracting is a Minnesota Paint Booth Cleaning company. We work with all sizes of automotive body shop & prep station businesses. We are a family owned business founded in 1996 for the purpose of performing high quality paint booth cleaning services, providing quality filters and maintenance using professional and successful methods.

Preventative Maintenance Avoids Expensive Shop Shut Downs

Preventative Maintenance Extends The Life Of The Ceiling Filters

minnesota auto paint booth cleaning services

Floor Pit Paint Debris Removal

  • Reduces the amount of dust particles recycled into the ceiling filters.
  • Increases air flow and the longevity of the filters.

Paint Booth Cleaning Benefits

A consistent Maintenance Program Will Ensure Proper Air Flow & Protect your Investment

  • A consistent maintenance program will protect your investment.

  • Preventative maintenance avoids expensive shop shutdowns.

  • Proper maintenance extends the life of the ceiling filters and reduces the need for costly replacement.

  • Returns the paint booth air flow to its original CFMs.

  • Protects employees from the harmful effects of VOCs.

  • Reduces your energy costs.

  • We provide the service after the sale replacement parts of all makes and models of paint booths.

  • Our work is performed after shop hours resulting in no loss of shop production time.

  • A consistent Maintenance Program can be the difference between success and failure.


Today’s Paint Booths are Technologically Advanced Pieces of Equipment and often the most significant equipment investment in a body shop.

If properly maintained it should last the lifetime of the shop.

North Willow Contracting

We provide a variety of paint booth cleaning services and filters

for auto body shops and prep stations.

Paint Booths

Exhast Blowers

Walls, Glass, Door Jams, Gaskets, etc.

Exhaust Filters (floor)


Replace Intake Filters

Exhaust Filter Bags

Floors, Floor Pits and Floor Grates

Individualized for each shop!

Sensitive to the personal needs of each customer.

north willow contracting filtration system

Exhaust Filter Program

Monthly – Currently serving 54 shops!

Is your most important filter!

auto paint booth maintenance minneapolis minnesota
NWC maintains automotive paint booths

Look No Further. Get Started Today

Minnesota paint booth cleaning for auto shops & prep stations.